
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Shincheonji, Why did Jesus bear the cross?

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji - The New Heaven and New Earth

This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible.
Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God's word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

"Why did Jesus bear the cross?"

There are two main reasons Jesus bore cross.
The crucifixion allowed for the atonement of the sins of men (Mt 26:28; Ro 6:6-11),
and it allowed God and Jesus to come and unite with people who have no sin (Ac 2:36-38; Gal 2:20; Ro 8:9-11). Before the crucifixion, the spirit was not yet with people (Jn 7:38-39),
but after Jesus was crucified he breathed on people and told them to receive the spirit (Jn 20:22-23). Jesus, right before his ascension, commanded his disciples to wait for the holy spirit came upon them (Ac 1:4-8). After that, they received the spirit Jesus had promised and went on to preach the gospel (Ac 2:1-4). The holy spirit, which left people because of their sins, was able to return to people without sin because Jesus bore the cross on behalf of his disciples to atone for their sins. Where does Jesus currently reside?

<If you want to read the whole of this article, please click this URL.>

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