
Monday, March 24, 2014

Shincheonji, The blood, flesh, and prayers that give salvation

The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji - The new heaven and new earth

The blood, flesh and prayers that give salvation

Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), all people will be judged according to what they have done as recorded in the books (Rev 20:12). The consequences of this judgment are heaven and hell.

Jesus bore the cross to atone for our sins. He declared that, in the last days, he would raise up anyone who eats his flesh and drinks his blood. He also said that the requests of those who pray in his name will be granted ( Jn 6:51-57; 14:13- ; 16:13,26).
It is only the blood of the righteous one (i.e. Jesus) that redeems us from our sins.
It is only in his name that we must pray for our prayers to be answered.
It is only through Jesus' blood and his flesh that we can obtain salvation.


People who ignore Jesus' words, claim that someone else's flesh and blood are necessary to receive salvation, or claim that we must pray in someone else's name for our prayers to be answered are true cult members - heretics that hold to the doctrines of demons. These people have revealed the fact that they have united with Satan; they belong to Satan. Unfortunately, there are believers who cannot distinguish the truth regarding these people or their lies. They think the liars explained above are orthodox. They unite with those who claim that someone else's flesh and blood are necessary for salvation and who urge others to pray in another name so that their prayers are answered.
What can you say about these people? Are they heretics or are they orthodox?


If you are a true believer in Jesus, please consider this point and discern the truth (1Co 10:15). We have banished these people from Shincheonji; we have banished everyone who has claimed that something other than Jesus' flesh and blood are necessary for salvation and those who tell others to pray in anyone but Jesus name (Jn 6:51-57). They are now holding seminars and perseculting us.

Who are the real culy members? Who are the ones that truly believe in the Lord? All believers must discern whether perseculting others, cursing, judging, critizing others, and spreading lies are actions according to the commands of the spirit (Mt, 7:1-5, 5:10-12; Lk 6:37-38)

If you believe the Lord and Jesus, you must know Bible. The purpose of the Lord is in the Bible.
If you want to read the whole of this article, please click this URL.

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