Saturday, November 29, 2014
NEW HEAVEN NEW EARTH shincheonji : [Shincheonji] God's Word about The Creation
NEW HEAVEN NEW EARTH shincheonji : [Shincheonji] God's Word about The Creation: [Shincheonji] God's Word about The Creation -The creation of heaven and earth- Do you know what it means the creation of heaven ...
[Shincheonji] God's Word about The Creation
[Shincheonji] God's Word about The Creation
-The creation of heaven and earth-
Do you know what it means the creation of heaven and earth?
In the Bible, God the creator creates heaven and earth.
This is not referring to 'heaven and earth' in the literal sense of the word.
Then, now let's see Shincheonji's message is based on Bible.
Just as God the creator carried out his creative work in the spiritual realm, he creates heaven and earth here in the physical world. This is the creation of heaven and earth.
(Gen 1:1 ; Rev 21:1)
●The command God gave Moses
●The words Jesus spoke to the Jews
●Jesus' words in the Lord's Prayer
●God's word in the Book of Revelation
●Jesus' words in the four Gospels
According to the references above, God reveals the promised prophecies of the NT to his chosen pastor. God direct his chosen pastor, and through him God fulfills his prophecies. Believers who read the Bible carefully with their hopes set on heaven need to see and believe when the promised prophecies are fulfilled (Jn 14:29). God first reveals what he has accomplished in heaven (Rev 21) to his promised pastor (Am 3:7). God then uses his promised pastor to carry out the work of creation on this earth. This is the creation of heaven and earth.
When God's kingdom is created on earth just as it is in heaven, the spiritual kingdom is established in heaven (with all its spirits) will come down to the kingdom of God on earth. This is when the two (i.e. the spiritual and physical worlds) become one (Rev 21:1-7). Shincheonji Church of Jesus is creating God's promised kingdom on earth as it has been created in heaven.
People who refuse to believe in today's fulfillment even after being told are like the people of Adam's world who refused to believe in the time of Noah's Flood.
We proclaim the fact that the prophecies of the New Testament have been fulfilled here on earth today and that we have witnessed their fulfillment. In spite of all the persecution we are receiving, Shincheonji is obeying the command of Jesus by testifying to all Christians about what has been seen and heard ( Rev 10:8-11).
We pray that all believers would examine our testimony, believe it, and be saved.
(If you want to read the whole text...)
Friday, November 21, 2014
[ShinCheonJi] Promises in the New Testament and...
[ShinCheonJi] Promises in the New Testament and the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven
At the first coming, Jesus spoke about the secret of the seed in Mt13. He used figurative language when he talked about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven(Mk 4:10-11).
He also warned us not to add or subtract anything from the book of Revelation(Rv 22:18-19).
[18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll:q If anyone adds anything to them,r God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.s 19 And if anyone takes words awayt from this scroll of prophecy,u God will take away from that person any share in the tree of lifev and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. ]
The book of revelation is given to just one person(refer to Jn16:25;Rv1:17-19;Rv10) at an appointed time(Hb2:2-3).
Today, just like in the time of the Old Testament and the time of the first coming, those who do not receive the revelation, don't know God or Jesus and they can't attain salvation.
Please refer to Mt11:27 to understand how the prophecies about the giving of the revelation in the Old and New Testaments were fulfilled. All believers today must know who they are and what time they are living. This is why places without the revealed word can be compared to the darkness of night.
Comparing Shincheonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) with the churches of the world is like comparing heaven and earth. This is because SCJ has the revealed word and has mastered the book of Revelation.
It is also because the members of SCJ are good grains harvested from the field - from the churches of the world(Mt13:30; Rv14:14-16, Rv14:1-5). No one receives salvation and goes to heaven unless they receive the revealed word through Shincheonji Church of Jesus - the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. The churches of the world, however, are full curses, persecution, and lies.
At the first coming, Jesus spoke about the secret of the seed in Mt13. He used figurative language when he talked about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven(Mk 4:10-11).
He also warned us not to add or subtract anything from the book of Revelation(Rv 22:18-19).
[18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll:q If anyone adds anything to them,r God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.s 19 And if anyone takes words awayt from this scroll of prophecy,u God will take away from that person any share in the tree of lifev and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. ]
The book of revelation is given to just one person(refer to Jn16:25;Rv1:17-19;Rv10) at an appointed time(Hb2:2-3).
Today, just like in the time of the Old Testament and the time of the first coming, those who do not receive the revelation, don't know God or Jesus and they can't attain salvation.
Please refer to Mt11:27 to understand how the prophecies about the giving of the revelation in the Old and New Testaments were fulfilled. All believers today must know who they are and what time they are living. This is why places without the revealed word can be compared to the darkness of night.
Comparing Shincheonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) with the churches of the world is like comparing heaven and earth. This is because SCJ has the revealed word and has mastered the book of Revelation.
It is also because the members of SCJ are good grains harvested from the field - from the churches of the world(Mt13:30; Rv14:14-16, Rv14:1-5). No one receives salvation and goes to heaven unless they receive the revealed word through Shincheonji Church of Jesus - the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. The churches of the world, however, are full curses, persecution, and lies.
Let's work hard to help others seek the path of life! :-)
People at the first coming persecuted Jesus to cover their shame..! We MUST NOT make the same mistake. We speak boldly about what we know.
[Source] Shincheonji - 190 - Promises in the New Testament and the Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
[Shincheonji's word] When you said 'I believe God...'
[Shincheonji's word] When you said 'I believe God...', What do you believe?
We are leading a religious life now, but What do we believe ? About what?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
The Bible said to us like this.
If you believe God, you must also believe the Bible!
In John1:1, 'the Word was God.',
and then... how you treat the Bible? How you look at the Bible?
This precious Word, the Bible! We must realize correctly and do as it is.
If you do this, you will be real sons of God, real believer.
"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
Just blind belief is not way to go heaven!
Only people who act according to God's mind can enter into the kingdom of heaven.
'The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji (New Heaven and New Earth)'
We are leading a religious life now, but What do we believe ? About what?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
The Bible said to us like this.
If you believe God, you must also believe the Bible!
In John1:1, 'the Word was God.',
and then... how you treat the Bible? How you look at the Bible?
This precious Word, the Bible! We must realize correctly and do as it is.
If you do this, you will be real sons of God, real believer.
"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
Just blind belief is not way to go heaven!
Only people who act according to God's mind can enter into the kingdom of heaven.
'The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji (New Heaven and New Earth)'
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Correct understanding of Bible and Shinchonji
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shinchonji
Purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge if God's word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
Do you know about Shinchonji?
Shinchonji (The new heaven and new earth) is a world of God. Shinchonji is giving a God's word to people.
If you want to know Shinchonji and the Bible more and more, you have to read this.
Topic is <The Messenger who Speaks on behalf is sent Today>.
The Messenger who Speaks on behalf is sent Today
[Main reference: Rev 22:16-17]
16 | "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." |
17 | The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. |
The messenger who speaks on behalf is the pastor who has seen and heard the events of the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation at the location where they took place (Rev 22:16, Rev 1:1-3). 2,000 years ago Jesus promised, "what will soon take place" to apostle John, and today Jesus has come to the New John (the promised pastor) and fulfilled them.
Just as the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled at one place, the temple of John the Baptist (Jerusalem) at the time of Jesus' first coming, the prophecies of the New Testament and Revelation have been fulfilled at one place, the tabernacle of the seven stars (seven messengers) at the time of Jesus' second coming, today. Because of this, many people on this earth could not see the events. Jesus chosen the one who has seen and heard the fulfillment of the event, at the location where they took place, as the messenger who speaks on behalf of him, and told him to testify the fulfillment of Revelation to the churches according to what he has seen and heard.
Today, according to Revelation 1:1-3, all the churches of this earth must believe the word of this testimony to obtain salvation. The revelation of the gospel of the kingdom has been preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations for the last 2,000 years (Mt 24:14), and many saints of the earth are waiting for the fulfillment of the prophecies of the book of Revelation, so its fulfillment is being announced today.
Don't be people like the time of Jesus' first coming who didn't believe.
I hope that you will verify according to Scripture and believe so you can be the saints who will attain salvation.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Shinchonji and Pope Francis want the same thing.
Shinchonji and Pope Francis want the same thing.
Not a respected politician, a successful entrepreneur, and not even the scientists who left a great achievement but Pope Francis was considered 'Most influential people in the world' that the various press examined.
According to research firm in the United States, 85 percent of Catholics support that is famous for the stinginess said that they support Pope Francis. In Italy, the Pope's approval rating is about 80 percent. Argentina, Pope's homeland, not need to mention about the enthusiastic support.
Italian sociologist Massimo Introvigne made this word, 'Pope Francis Effect'. This word means that after the Pope was appointed, Catholic in the world is rapidly increasing. But now, this word means that Pope Francis wields strong influence around the globe.
Then, Why many people support Pope Francis? Any special reason?
I think that reason is his 'Recognition of Difference'. Pope Francis embraces a Muslim as well as atheists, homosexuals and people who has different opinions. He said that they should live a happy life without unjust discrimination.
Yes! That's the way!
Every people has right that lives happily.
Without discrimination. Without was. In a peaceful world!
God has been working for creating peaceful world. Now, through the new heaven new earth, Shinchonji!
Shinchonji is giving the God's word, only Biblical word!
Don't you wonder Shinchonji's saying?
If you want to know God's real ming, come here! :-)
God prevents us with His grace.
I pray for you, the grace of God is on you.
Monday, July 14, 2014
The Era of Shincheonji, what is this?
God has been working again and again for the past 6,000 years to restore his world and the lives of men.
Don't you wonder the conclusion of this work?
God planned to establish his new kingdom since the time of the Old Testament (Jer 31).
He sowed his seed through Jesus, as promised in the Old Testament.
Today, he has gathered the fruits of those seeds, sealed them, and created the 12 tribes of the kingdom of heaven.
Those who believe will become the people of heaven. :-)
'Six Thousand Years after Adam and the Era of Shincheonji'
This site has been written according to the Bible.
I think that all Christians want to know a deeper knowledge of God's Word.
Shincheonji can tell the truth of Bible!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Identity of the Tree of Life and fruits of life
Identity of the Tree of Life and fruits of life
The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji
What is the True Identity of the Tree of Life in Gn 2 and Rv 22?
Do you know about Tree of Life and Fruits of Life ?
If you are a believer, you must know this !
In Bible, there are written about Tree of Life and Fruits of Life.
Shincheonji told the definition of these two concepts.
Only Shincheonji can tell Biblical words.
So now, I will write about the tree of life and fruits of life.
There are two kinds of trees in Gn 2: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil each represent people or pastors. The tree of life that appears in Gn 2 and Rv 22 each point to the same entity.
The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are located in the middle of the Garden of Eden (Gn 2:9). Revelation 22:2, however, only mentions the tree of life. The tree of life is on each side of the river, producing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month of the year. Its leaves are for the healing of all nations. Revelation 2 says that the fruit of the tree of life in the paradise of God will be granted to the one who overcomes the Nicolaitans. According to Paul, this paradise is the third heaven 92 Cor 12:1-4). A further clue can be found in Prv 3:18, where it says that those who obtain wisdom becoming trees of life.
What do the tree of life symbolize?
The tree of life represents the spirit of God, God's pastors, and God's people (Jn 15:1-8).
The fruit of the tree of life are the firstfruits harvested by the word of truth today (Jas 1:18). These are the firstfruits that belong to the Lamb (Rv 14:4). The twelve branches (the twelve tribes) of the tree of life that bear twelve kinds of fruit (Rv 22:2) and the holy spirit can be found in SCJ Church of Jesus. Those who believe in this testimony will come and eat the food of eternal life.
If you want to read the whole of this article, please click this URL.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Shincheonji, Bearing 12 fruits every month :-)
Shincheonji is Kingdom of God that bears 12 fruits every month !
I will introduce Shincheonji Graduation Ceremony and The Zion Mission Center.
The Zion Christian Mission Center emblem was created on this earth as it is done in heaven and is based on the promise written in the Bible. (Rev 14:1-3) This is similar to how Moses and Jesus created patterns based on what they saw in heaven. (Jn 5:19, Ex 25, Rev 21, Heb 8:5, Is 2:2-3)
Just as God fulfilled his promise to Abraham at the time of Moses (Ex 12) and how God fulfilled the Old Testament at the first coming of Jesus (Jn 19:30), the New Testament is being fulfilled, and Shincheonji is testifying the physical fulfillment of the word. (Rev 1:2; Rev 10, 22:16). This precious word is priceless and untraceable even if the whole world was given in exchange. Due to this reason, the teaching is without charge.
Like the tree of life in Rev 22 that has 12 branches and bear fruit every month, there are over 1000 students graduating every month throughout the 12 tribes of Shincheonji. In Jn 15, Jesus is referred to as the tree of life. People who graduate from the Zion Christian Mission Center are born by the world of life and are the first fruits. In accordance to God’s will, students did not graduate from seminaries of the world, but learned the word of heaven and graduated in heaven.
The Zion Christian Mission Center welcomes anyone who wishes to learn the Bible regardless of age, education, gender and social status.
Monday, June 23, 2014
[The correct understanding of The Bible and of Shincheonji] Orthodoxy and Traditions
[The correct understanding of The Bible and of Shincheonji]
Orthodoxy and Traditions
This time, we will read about 'Orthodoxy and Traditions'.
Many people misunderstanding meaning of this word.
I want to let believers know about Bible and Shincheonji.
And this topic is too! :-)
Orthodoxy and Traditions
Believers use words like orthodoxy, heresy, traditions, and cults to label the kind of teachings others receive and the manner in which they carry out their lives of faith.
Before applying such labels, wouldn't it be wise to ask ourselves what these words really mean?
Orthodoxy is the adherence to the correct opinion. An orthodox opinion in matters of religion can only be received via a direct revelation from God. In other words, orthodoxy refers to adherence to the opinions and thoughts given by God. Heresies are doctrines that differ from the thoughts and opinions God expressed in his word. Doctrinal traditions are teachings passed down through the ages. Such terms are often used to label people and their teachings. Instead of passing judgment arbitrarily, however, believers should use the Bible as their only standard for judging orthodoxy and heresy.
If the source of true orthodoxy is a direct revelation from God, then we should examine biblical history- the history recorded in the Bible, which is God's word- to better understand it.
In Adam's time, Adam was the only true orthodoxy because he was created by and conversed directly with God (Gn 2:7-8, 15-17). Despite being able to speak freely with God, Adam acted against God's expressed will. He was deceived by the serpent and rejected the word of God. Instead of adhering to what he received from God, Adam took to heart the lies of Satan (Gn 3:1-6). This was how Adam betrayed the covenant. In response, God left Adam and the rest of creation (Gn3:8-10, Gn 6:1-3). Should we still consider Adam to be orthodox after his betrayal? Adam became a heretic because he received and believed Satan's words rather than God's. Even after his betrayal, Adam continued to teach his descendants about God and how to follow his commands. These teachings from Adam, however, were mere traditions; no on could call them orthodox.
After Adam's betrayal, God chose Noah from among Adam's descendants and spoke to him (Gn 6:8-9). Through his obedience to God, Noah judged the people who were living under the traditions handed down since the time of Adam and established a new covenant with a new generation of people (Gn 7-9). That was when the world of Adam passed away. Hebrews 8 says, "If there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another." A new covenant was necessary because the people with whom God had made the previous covenant broke their promises (Heb 8:7-10).
Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah, also sinned like his ancestor Adam (Gn 11). And, just as it happened before, God left his rebellious generation and made a covenant with Abraham (Gn 15). Just as God used Noah to judge the world of Adam because it was guilty of betrayal and heresy, God used Moses to judge the world of Canaan. To be more specific, after God appointed Moses to bring his people out of Egypt (Ex 6, Ex 12), he used the people who were obedient to his word and covenant (i.e. the people under the Mosaic law) to execute judgment on those who had betrayed, namely, the descendants of Canaan. This judgment was ultimately executed through Joshua, Moses’ successor, who led the Israelites to conquer to the Promised Land occupied by the descendants of Canaan and Ham (Josh 1 ~ 6, Josh 12).
Despite the clear pattern in their history, the Israelites again worshiped pagan gods in the time of Solomon (1 Kgs 11). Thus, because Physical Israel broke its covenant, God spoke through the Old Testament prophets and appointed Jesus in fulfillment of those prophecies. Jesus was appointed to judge Physical Israel (Mt 11:13; Lk 16:16) and to establish the twelve tribes of Spiritual Israel (Mt 10:1-4; Jn 1:12-13; Jas 1:1).
Considering the history we have examined so far, a few clear themes emerge. The first generation—the one with whom God initially forged a covenant—grows corrupt by falling prey to heresy (deception). This heresy is passed down continuously under the guise of tradition. The new generation—the generation making a new covenant with God—is established as the true orthodoxy by receiving the word from God and obeying it. The old, corrupt generation that betrayed is judged by the new generation that God considers orthodox because it possesses his word. When people who follow old, worn-out traditions claim to be orthodox, they are attempting to cover their betrayal and ignorance of the truth with lies.
At the time of the first coming, a group of pastors and elders who followed a bunch of old, worn-out traditions handed down to them by their betraying ancestors, gathered to oppose Jesus. They plotted in the Sanhedrin to kill Jesus and eventually had him crucified (Mt 27). They murdered Jesus because they believed they were the only group that was truly orthodox. They refused to hear the truth of what Jesus was saying. It has been about 2,000 years since Jesus left this world to ascend into heaven. While he was still with us, Jesus openly wondered whether he would find faith on earth when he returned (Lk 18:8). According to prophecies recorded in the New Testament, the pastors and religious leaders at the time of Jesus’ return will once again oppose him (refer to Rv 16, Rv 17).
Christians today all claim without evidence that their pastors, denominations, and churches are the true orthodoxy. They are quick to label people that follow teachings or denominations other than their own as heretics. They also claim to have already received salvation and the holy spirit. Are these claims true? Christianity began with the work of Jesus and the holy spirit, but today, instead of remaining with the spirit, it has returned to the flesh and is speaking lies (refer to Gal 3:3). In the time of the first coming, the people who should have been anxiously awaiting the fulfillment of God’s prophecies were the ones who opposed God when that fulfillment came. Today, people who should be rejoicing are opposing the messenger who has come in the name of the Lord (Jn 14:26; Rv 10, Rv 22:16). All the while, they sincerely believe they are acting in obedience to the commandments of God and Jesus. What a pity!
Despite the clear pattern in their history, the Israelites again worshiped pagan gods in the time of Solomon (1 Kgs 11). Thus, because Physical Israel broke its covenant, God spoke through the Old Testament prophets and appointed Jesus in fulfillment of those prophecies. Jesus was appointed to judge Physical Israel (Mt 11:13; Lk 16:16) and to establish the twelve tribes of Spiritual Israel (Mt 10:1-4; Jn 1:12-13; Jas 1:1).
Considering the history we have examined so far, a few clear themes emerge. The first generation—the one with whom God initially forged a covenant—grows corrupt by falling prey to heresy (deception). This heresy is passed down continuously under the guise of tradition. The new generation—the generation making a new covenant with God—is established as the true orthodoxy by receiving the word from God and obeying it. The old, corrupt generation that betrayed is judged by the new generation that God considers orthodox because it possesses his word. When people who follow old, worn-out traditions claim to be orthodox, they are attempting to cover their betrayal and ignorance of the truth with lies.
At the time of the first coming, a group of pastors and elders who followed a bunch of old, worn-out traditions handed down to them by their betraying ancestors, gathered to oppose Jesus. They plotted in the Sanhedrin to kill Jesus and eventually had him crucified (Mt 27). They murdered Jesus because they believed they were the only group that was truly orthodox. They refused to hear the truth of what Jesus was saying. It has been about 2,000 years since Jesus left this world to ascend into heaven. While he was still with us, Jesus openly wondered whether he would find faith on earth when he returned (Lk 18:8). According to prophecies recorded in the New Testament, the pastors and religious leaders at the time of Jesus’ return will once again oppose him (refer to Rv 16, Rv 17).
Christians today all claim without evidence that their pastors, denominations, and churches are the true orthodoxy. They are quick to label people that follow teachings or denominations other than their own as heretics. They also claim to have already received salvation and the holy spirit. Are these claims true? Christianity began with the work of Jesus and the holy spirit, but today, instead of remaining with the spirit, it has returned to the flesh and is speaking lies (refer to Gal 3:3). In the time of the first coming, the people who should have been anxiously awaiting the fulfillment of God’s prophecies were the ones who opposed God when that fulfillment came. Today, people who should be rejoicing are opposing the messenger who has come in the name of the Lord (Jn 14:26; Rv 10, Rv 22:16). All the while, they sincerely believe they are acting in obedience to the commandments of God and Jesus. What a pity!
Today’s religious world is like a pitch-dark night (1 Thes 5:1-3). The sun and the moon in heaven have become dark, and stars have fallen from their places (Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-14). Believers who began their lives of faith through the work of the holy spirit have returned mere flesh (Gal 3:3). This has happened because of an absence of God and the Bible, which are the word and light. It is only people who are born again of water and the holy spirit who can attain salvation (Jn 3:5-6). Today, at the time of the second coming, another generation has come to an end (Rv 6), and a new generation has arisen (Rv 7). The time has come for the 2,000 year old heaven and earth of the old covenant to pass away and for the new heaven and earth to arise (Rv 21). People who understand this will seek the place where true orthodoxy, and therefore salvation, is available.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The 12 tribes of Shincheonji, we must...
The 12 tribes of Shincheonji, we must.. what?
We must know about Shincheonji that is created by God.
God's world appeared as 12 tribes in each era.
In the Old Testament, Jacob was given the name "the one who overcomes",
that means "Israel".
Jesus also overcame the world (Jn 16:33; Mt 4; Lk 4) and created the 12 tribes of the spiritual Israel through the 12 disciples.
And the 12 tribes appear again at the second coming, the time of Revelation.
In Revelation 7, there is written about 144,000 people.
Who is them? Who is 144,000 people?
At the time of harvest, 144,000 people will be harvest and sealed with the word.
The place where these 144,000 people are sealed is Mount Zion of Revelation 14,
and is referred to as the first fruits (Jas 1:18).
These people is the 12 tribes that created by receiving God's seal.
God's new world(the new spiritual Israel),
Shincheonji is formed of the 12 tribes.
Shincheonji is the only one kingdom of God in this world.
The 12 tribes are established using the names of the 12 tribes of the Old Testament and the names of Jesus' disciples.
It is said that in the last days, if one does not take part in any of these tribes,
one cannot become a part of God's Kingdom and become his people.
Hence, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji is working to announce the kingdom and heal all nations simultaneously.
If you want to know about a true religion, you must know Shincheonji firstly.
The reason is, the word of God is in this place!
I will pray for you who is reading this posting, 'the grace of God will be in your heart!'
We must know about Shincheonji that is created by God.
God's world appeared as 12 tribes in each era.
In the Old Testament, Jacob was given the name "the one who overcomes",
that means "Israel".
And the 12 tribes appear again at the second coming, the time of Revelation.
In Revelation 7, there is written about 144,000 people.
Who is them? Who is 144,000 people?
At the time of harvest, 144,000 people will be harvest and sealed with the word.
The place where these 144,000 people are sealed is Mount Zion of Revelation 14,
and is referred to as the first fruits (Jas 1:18).
These people is the 12 tribes that created by receiving God's seal.

God's new world(the new spiritual Israel),
Shincheonji is formed of the 12 tribes.
Shincheonji is the only one kingdom of God in this world.
The 12 tribes are established using the names of the 12 tribes of the Old Testament and the names of Jesus' disciples.
It is said that in the last days, if one does not take part in any of these tribes,
one cannot become a part of God's Kingdom and become his people.
Hence, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji is working to announce the kingdom and heal all nations simultaneously.
If you want to know about a true religion, you must know Shincheonji firstly.
The reason is, the word of God is in this place!
I will pray for you who is reading this posting, 'the grace of God will be in your heart!'
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Shincheonji- Meaning of Religion and Its Founder
Shincheonji- Meaning of Religion and Its Founder
(The correct understanding of the BIBLE and of SHINCHEONJI-The New Heaven and New Earth)
Religion and Its Founder
Firstly, I want to ask you THIS QUESTIONS.
'Whose will is recorded in the Old and the New Testament?'
'What is religion, and who is its founder?'
'Why can't we understand the meaning of the Scriptures with knowledge of the world?'
'How is the end result of believers different from that of unbelievers?'
Religion means "the highest teaching."
Who created religion?
Religion was created by God(Holy Spirit), and the proof can be found in John 1:1-2.
The founder of religion, therefore, is God the Creator.
Whether it is a newly-rising or a traditional church, the leader of a church cannot be the founder.
The name Church of Jesus reveals that its founder is Jesus, and the name Cheonjugyo shows that Cheonju(the Lord of heaven) is the founder. Usually, cults use the word "founder" to persecute others. However, anyone who uses such a word proves that he himself is a cult and speaks lies.
A person should be referred to as a representative, the one in charge, a pastor, elder, or be called by his personal name. Churches and Christians must act in accordance with the will of God.
This is the true life of faith that professes to believe in God.
Just because a person possesses a lot of knowledge of this world, it does not mean that he can correctly understand the meaning of the Scriptures. Furthermore, what God has prophesied, God fulfills. We are able to understand the meaning of the prophecies after God fulfills it and explains it to us. There is a vast amount of contents recorded in the Bible, including history, moral teachings, prophecy, and fulfillment. Among them, prophecy is something to be fulfilled in the future, and therefore, there is an appointed time when it is fulfilled.
God gave us the prophecies in advance so that people would believe when it is fulfilled(Jn 14:29).
(If you want to read the whole of this article, please click this URL.
(And this is Korean version.
(The correct understanding of the BIBLE and of SHINCHEONJI-The New Heaven and New Earth)
Religion and Its Founder
Firstly, I want to ask you THIS QUESTIONS.
'Whose will is recorded in the Old and the New Testament?'
'What is religion, and who is its founder?'
'Why can't we understand the meaning of the Scriptures with knowledge of the world?'
'How is the end result of believers different from that of unbelievers?'
Religion means "the highest teaching."
Who created religion?
Religion was created by God(Holy Spirit), and the proof can be found in John 1:1-2.
The founder of religion, therefore, is God the Creator.
Whether it is a newly-rising or a traditional church, the leader of a church cannot be the founder.
The name Church of Jesus reveals that its founder is Jesus, and the name Cheonjugyo shows that Cheonju(the Lord of heaven) is the founder. Usually, cults use the word "founder" to persecute others. However, anyone who uses such a word proves that he himself is a cult and speaks lies.
A person should be referred to as a representative, the one in charge, a pastor, elder, or be called by his personal name. Churches and Christians must act in accordance with the will of God.
This is the true life of faith that professes to believe in God.
Just because a person possesses a lot of knowledge of this world, it does not mean that he can correctly understand the meaning of the Scriptures. Furthermore, what God has prophesied, God fulfills. We are able to understand the meaning of the prophecies after God fulfills it and explains it to us. There is a vast amount of contents recorded in the Bible, including history, moral teachings, prophecy, and fulfillment. Among them, prophecy is something to be fulfilled in the future, and therefore, there is an appointed time when it is fulfilled.
God gave us the prophecies in advance so that people would believe when it is fulfilled(Jn 14:29).
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(And this is Korean version.
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