
Sunday, June 22, 2014

The 12 tribes of Shincheonji, we must...

The 12 tribes of Shincheonji, we must.. what?
We must know about Shincheonji that is created by God.

God's world appeared as 12 tribes in each era.
In the Old Testament, Jacob was given the name "the one who overcomes",
that means "Israel".

Jesus also overcame the world (Jn 16:33; Mt 4; Lk 4) and created the 12 tribes of the spiritual Israel through the 12 disciples.
And the 12 tribes appear again at the second coming, the time of Revelation.

In Revelation 7, there is written about 144,000 people.

Who is them? Who is 144,000 people?
At the time of harvest, 144,000 people will be harvest and sealed with the word.
The place where these 144,000 people are sealed is Mount Zion of Revelation 14, 
and is referred to as the first fruits (Jas 1:18).

These people is the 12 tribes that created by receiving God's seal.

God's new world(the new spiritual Israel)
Shincheonji is formed of the 12 tribes.
Shincheonji is the only one kingdom of God in this world.

The 12 tribes are established using the names of the 12 tribes of the Old Testament and the names of Jesus' disciples.
It is said that in the last days, if one does not take part in any of these tribes,
one cannot become a part of God's Kingdom and become his people.

Hence, the 12 tribes of Shincheonji is working to announce the kingdom and heal all nations simultaneously.

If you want to know about a true religion, you must know Shincheonji firstly.
The reason is, the word of God is in this place!

I will pray for you who is reading this posting, 'the grace of God will be in your heart!'


  1. Yes, Shincheonji is the promised place with 12 tribes that God created. It is clearly appeared in the Bible. Hope whole the world get to know this truth soon. Thank you for your posting!

  2. Thanks for the great explanation of Israel of Jacob, Jesus at 1st comming and at the end of age.
