
Friday, June 27, 2014

Shincheonji, Bearing 12 fruits every month :-)

Shincheonji is Kingdom of God that bears 12 fruits every month ! 

I will introduce Shincheonji Graduation Ceremony and The Zion Mission Center.

The Zion Christian Mission Center emblem was created on this earth as it is done in heaven and is based on the promise written in the Bible. (Rev 14:1-3) This is similar to how Moses and Jesus created patterns based on what they saw in heaven. (Jn 5:19, Ex 25, Rev 21, Heb 8:5, Is 2:2-3)

As a single religious organization, the Zion Christian Mission Center has been turning out in the greatest number of graduates in the world. In addition, it has approximately 300 center overseas, including 15 countries such as the U.S.A., China, Japan, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Australia, South Africa, India and the Philippines. Hundreds of pastors, who have acknowledge the truth that Shincheonji teaches, have renounced their ordainment.

Just as God fulfilled his promise to Abraham at the time of Moses (Ex 12) and how God fulfilled the Old Testament at the first coming of Jesus (Jn 19:30), the New Testament is being fulfilled, and Shincheonji is testifying the physical fulfillment of the word. (Rev 1:2; Rev 10, 22:16). This precious word is priceless and untraceable even if the whole world was given in exchange. Due to this reason, the teaching is without charge.

Like the tree of life in Rev 22 that has 12 branches and bear fruit every month, there are over 1000 students graduating every month throughout the 12 tribes of Shincheonji. In Jn 15, Jesus is referred to as the tree of life. People who graduate from the Zion Christian Mission Center are born by the world of life and are the first fruits. In accordance to God’s will, students did not graduate from seminaries of the world, but learned the word of heaven and graduated in heaven. 

The Zion Christian Mission Center welcomes anyone who wishes to learn the Bible regardless of age, education, gender and social status.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to share your writing with other people. ^^
